5 Ways Churches Can Take Advantage of Digital Signage

More industries than ever are taking advantage of digital signage in their day to day activities, and expanding how they interact with their communities. Churches and other religious venues are no exception to this phenomenon, as many places of worship worldwide have fully adopted various styles of digital signage. From digital directories, to digital standalone kiosks, and even outdoor LED signage, the applications for digital signage for churches are endless. Digital signage is a valuable tool that many churches utilize to foster a sense of community, enhance communication, and deliver a more immersive worship experience. In this article we will closely examine 5 different ways that churches and other religious venues can take advantage of digital signage.

church digital signage in landscape and vertical mode

1. Announcements and Event Promotion

Digital signage is an ideal platform for sharing announcements about upcoming events, church activities, and community outreach programs with your congregation. Thanks to digital signage’s ability to feature multiple rotating announcements, and make changes remotely, this technology is ideal for churches who want to ensure their community is always informed. Popular digital signage styles for this type of installation include traditional digital screens, digital kiosks, LED posters, and outdoor digital signage. Churches that wish to keep their digital footprint to a minimum can segment their screens, and dedicate only a specific section to this type of content; this section can be as small or as large as necessary. When you segment only a section of your screen for announcements, this frees up the rest of your digital signage for schedules, videos, live streams, and more. 

digital signage software updating church digital screens

2. Live Streaming and Sermon Display

Churches and religious venues worldwide utilize modern digital signage technology to livestream their services to overflow rooms, lobbies, and even home viewers. For many churches, this application of religious digital signage technology is often utilized only during service, freeing up their screens for other types of content when church isn’t in session. Additionally, this style of digital church signage can also be used to display sermon notes, scripture passages, and worship lyrics to help your congregation follow along and increase engagement.

church digital signage screens showing welcome message and worship event

3. Donor Recognition and Gratitude

Digital signage provides churches with a convenient and dynamic way to recognize and thank donors for their contributions. Your church can choose to display names, messages of gratitude, and more to create a sense of appreciation amongst your community. These messages can also be mixed in with other announcements on your digital signage to save space, or to ensure a more subtle approach. Additionally, this section can also be used to promote current church initiatives and encourage donations from your community. 

4. Community Engagement

Community engagement is important for many industries, including churches and other religious organizations. Utilizing modern digital signage technology, many churches have revolutionized how they interact and engage with their community. There are two main ways that churches can make use of digital signage for community engagement: (1) interior signage and (2) exterior signage. Interior digital signage screens can showcase local shops, community events, weather forecasts, and news to your congregation. This style of community engagement demonstrates your church’s commitment to the wellbeing of its neighbors, showcases your local community, and promotes an overall positive image. 

Exterior digital signage, however, is the perfect way to interact directly with your community, regardless of if they attend your church or not. Weatherproof outdoor screens and outdoor LED billboards are a dynamic solution that attract attention year round, and are designed to withstand even harsh Canadian weather conditions. Whether you wish to display event or service information, showcase church news, or even relay a message to the community, exterior signage can help you reach new audiences.

large church video wall showing cross

5. Dynamic Visual Worship

Create a dynamic and visually captivating worship experience with digital video walls for churches. Displaying beautiful imagery, religious artwork, inspirational messages, and church videos can help set the tone for your service. Many churches worldwide utilize this style of digital display to help their congregants connect with the spiritual aspect of their service on a deeper level. Additionally, if your church is designed to hold a large audience, these screens can help ensure your message gets across to the entire congregation, regardless of where they are seated

In Conclusion

In short, by incorporating digital signage into their current practices, many churches worldwide have transformed the way they interact with their congregation and their community. While these are 5 popular ways churches can take advantage of digital signage technology, they are by no means the only ways. The beauty of digital signage is that it is an extremely flexible tool that can be made to suit any purpose. If your church is thinking about adopting digital signage, we highly recommend checking out the 5 styles of digital church signage we have outlined above.

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