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How Effective is Digital Signage?

Digital signage has become a staple in the marketing arsenal of businesses worldwide, regardless of industry. It is not just menu boards and promotional posters that have gone digital either, even religious venues, street signage, corporate buildings, and supermarkets have adopted the technology. Additionally, many companies consider digital signage an investment in their growth, as reported by the 2024 digital signage trends.

Compared to traditional print signage, this revolutionary technology has proven to be a much more effective way to attract customers. But how is digital signage effective, and how effective is it? In this article we examine this questions in depth.

Effectiveness of Digital Signage when Compared to Traditional Signage

Before the current digital era, traditional forms of advertising such as billboards, posters, brochures, and flyers were king. Depending on the medium used, businesses would have to spend countless hours creating, printing, and distributing their marketing content; for mediums such as flyers and brochures, these costs can add up quickly. 

In comparison, digital signage not only eliminates the time and resource costs associated with print signage, but it has also proven to be more effective. While the initial investment is more expensive, it more than makes up for it thanks to the money it saves and helps generate. In most cases, a single digital signage display can take the place of multiple posters or billboards, and can almost always be updated remotely in an instant; this unparalleled flexibility is another reason this technology has exploded in popularity.

Additionally, in 2024 many consumers expect to see dynamic digital installations when they enter a business. This is not just because of how many businesses use them, but also because our culture has shifted to focus on instant engagement and gratification. More and more we see customers wanting the entire experience at the tip of their fingers, and digital signage has evolved to uniquely meet this need. 

The Benefits of Digital Signage

Many companies discuss the overwhelming benefits of digital signage, but what exactly are they? While this topic could be an article in and of itself, there are some benefits and advantages that are more important to note:

Attracting Attention:

According to research, 90% of all information the brain receives is visual, and humans are proven to be able to recall visually presented information more easily. There is a reason why social media sites like Tiktok and Instagram are so incredibly popular, and why they continue to hold the attention of people worldwide. Often digital signage is a statement piece, regardless of the type of content you choose to display, and can grab the attention of people near or far; our LED Posters, for example, are designed to attract attention at over 100 feet day or night.

Improved Brand Recognition:

Consumers are bombarded with digital advertisements in their daily lives, both online and offline – this is just how things work in today’s digital world. While it may seem to be impossible to leave a lasting impression, digital signage is proven to help your brand leave a lasting impression. Thanks to how our human brain works with visually presented information, a well-designed digital sign tap into your long-term memory and help you remember something you viewed even several days ago.

Increase Sales:

Digital signage is equipped with a variety of features that help you upsell your products, direct customer’s attention towards promos, and more. Often times your signage content can be the determining factor in impulse purchases, add-ons, and more. Notable statistics show that on average brands will notice a 33% increase in sales after adopting digital signage technology.

Update Content Instantly:

The convenience offered by this medium is, for many, the biggest benefit of them all. The ability to make changes instantly from anywhere, or even schedule changes in advance, ensures you are never caught unprepared for any situation.  Has your restaurant sold out of an important item? Rather than your staff having to disappoint your customers or falsely advertise an item, you can simply update your screens to reflect your current product availability. Similarly, this also makes signage excellent at relaying urgent announcements, emergency alerts, and more. 

Useful Digital Signage Statistics

This blog from Digital Signage Today examines a number of useful ROI based digital signage statistics that outline its benefits and usage. We have included a few of the more notable statistics here for you to illustrate the power of this amazing technology:

  •  80% of brands that use digital signage record an increase in sales, up to 33%, with a greater appeal towards epicurean product purchases as opposed to planned purchases.
  • Digital signage improves queue management and reduces perceived wait times by more than 35%.
  • As technologies evolve, the cost of installing digital signage decreases. For instance, between 2004 and 2010, the cost of deploying and maintaining a hundred-node digital signage network for three years decreased by 50%.
  • The average attention span is 2.8-8 seconds.
  • 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual.
  • Visuals get 94% more views than text-based information.
  • After three days, people retain 65% of visually presented information.
  • Namely, digital signage has an astounding recall rate of 83%. This figure is almost double the information retention rate for traditional advertising.

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