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7 Proven facts: Digital Signage is Visual and So are We.

Humans are pattern-seeking species – our ancestors are the ones who have been looking out for dangerous movements and avoid them, resulted in them living longer to pass on their genes to our generation. As a result, our brain is constantly attracted to visual movement. Here are the facts:



  1. 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual
  2. People can remember a group of over 2000 pictures over a period of several days with 90% accuracy
  3. After three days, people retain 65% of visually presented information
  4. People retain only 10-20% of written or spoken info after three days
  5. 30% of the brain’s cortex is devoted to processing visual information
  6. Only 8% of the brain processes touch and 3% processes hearing
  7. Our brains process visual information 60,000x faster than text

Digital signage is a highly interactive visual medium, and the human brain responds quickly and efficiently to Quality Digital Sign Boards.  Better than any other kind of communications tool, digital signage reinforcements our natural predilections – we are biologically biased towards visual information especially when it has movement patterns, and that’s exactly what digital signs will give us.

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