
Infographic: 6 Reasons to Adopt Digital Signage

Digital signage is being used more often than ever before by businesses as the use of traditional static signage continues to dwindle. Here are 6 main reasons to adopt digital signage:

Digital signage captures

400% more views than static displays

Digital signage captures 400% more views than static displays

63% of customers reported

that digital signage caught

their attention faster than

traditional signs

63% of customers reported that digital signage caught their attention faster than traditional signs

Digital signage can

increase brand

awareness by 47.7%

Digital signage can increase brand awareness by 47.7%

Digital signage has a

recall rate of 83%

Digital signage has a recall rate of 83%

Digital signage can boost

average purchase

amount by nearly 30%

Digital signage can boost average purchase amount by nearly 30%

Digital signage reduces

perceived wait time at

checkouts by as much

as 35%

Digital signage reduces perceived wait time at checkouts by as much as 35%

Interested in using Netvisual’s digital signage solutions for your business? Contact us today for a quote!

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