How Can Robots and Automations Change the Game? What do you need to know as a Restaurant Owner?

Some people believe that putting in restaurant is the end of the industry as we know it, stealing jobs and eliminating the human touch of hospitality. Others see it as a much needed revolution to alleviate some of the slippery slopes in the industry that can’t cease to exist. However you feel about the emergence and existence of robots in restaurants, it’s already happening, so lets take a look at the benefits of putting robots in your restaurant. And will it replace the human elements in hospitality?


Robots vs Staffing Crisis

It’s the nature of the of the hospitality industry that service workers are bouncing from job to job,  Any restaurant operators would tell you that hiring, training and retaining restaurant staff is their number 1 pain point in running a restaurant. Instead of having to worry about such tedious matter, robotic and automation in the kitchen has given managers and other employees more freedom to focus on their customers while letting the robots preparing and cooking food. 

Robots Provide Consistent Quality

We are incredibly fallible as a creatures. Not even the best of us can guarantee that we follow all procedures all the time. Take line cook for example, sanitizing protocols can easily be overlook. They sometimes forget to wash their hands, they might use the same knife to cut raw chicken and vegetables, or lose track of what temperature the food is supposed to cooked to. 

Robots, on the other hand, excel at tedious and menial tasks. From chopping and cooking to measuring and tracking ingredients. Robotic automation can ensure consistent quality across the board. Contamination is also not a problem since different automations perform different tasks without coming into contact with each other.

This ability to separate the cooking process into individual tasks and continuously build the same menu item repeatedly provides customers with a consistent experience that isn’t reliant on cooks constantly being on their “A-game.

Robots vs Food Waste Issues

Food waste is also an aching issues for a lot of restaurant owner. Managing supply chain and processing raw food area need to be done fast and precisely. Harnessing the power of robotic technologies offers a ray of light for businesses facing an increasingly competitive market. Robots can help restaurants owner with raw material selection  quickly, make decisions based on color, weight and size and process them in a timely manner.

Robots Increase Productivity

Let’s face it, a good number of kitchen work can be repetitive and dull sometimes. By outsourcing the mundane tasks to robots, restaurant staff can actually focus on what makes cooking in the kitchen exciting, making the food. Imagine having time to works on new dishes without worrying if you done enough preparation, or are you overcooking your meat. Instead, you will have time to focus on enhancing your customer experience.

Robots Reduce Risks In the Kitchen

A lot of cook have to spend long hour working with hot and sharp objects, which increase the chances of them getting into an unwanted accident. However, with the help of robots, we can cut down the time they have to expose to these dangerous subjects and deduce the risks in the Kitchen.


Whether you like it or not, you have to accept the facts that this is happening and robots will eventually be a part of the restaurant industry. How benefit will be the impact of robotic in the next 10-15 years for the food & beverage industry? Do you think the quality of service and food will increase because of this new robotic generation or era?

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