Cost-Effective Digital Signage Solutions for Small Businesses

The world of modern business is fast-paced and interconnected, which means that small businesses have to take advantage of new technology to stay competitive. While digital signage may seem like a big investment, there are a number of ways to ensure your new marketing tool is cost-effective and boasts a high ROI. In this article we will examine 6 ways small businesses make digital signage cost-effective, directly from our experts.

1. Take Advantage of Digital Signage Templates

Digital signage templates are one of the most cost effective ways to utilize your digital displays. A template will typically consist of an image, a few lines of text, and then any additional information such as price. The idea behind this digital signage strategy is to create a template that allows you to easily insert standardized information, and minimize design and implementation time. 

For example, the lower screen in the image above uses two different templated sections: (1) the promotional template on the right has a space for a title, an image, a line of text, and a price. (2) Each item on the left uses the same template (item name, picture, and price). In this example, the templates help streamline both design and updates.

2. Use Free Stock Images and Videos

While it is typically the best practice to utilize high quality images unique to your business, free stock images and videos are extremely helpful for businesses on a budget. Websites such as Pexels and Unsplash offer high quality images that are typically free to use (be sure to check the license) and can offer your digital signage an air of professionalism. If your business cannot justify the expenses of paid stock images or professional custom images, free stock images are an excellent alternative in the meantime. 

3. Optimize The Number of Displays

Rather than trying to deploy a large scale digital signage network right away, start small with one or two strategically placed screens. One or two strategically placed screens can often have a much larger impact than you would expect, and allow you to dip your toes into the world of digital signage a little bit at a time. We recommend that you put your digital displays in high traffic areas such as entryways, checkout lines, or waiting areas to maximize their individual impact. If you plan on increasing the number of screens in the future, be sure to track how your first couple screens perform so you can make any necessary adjustments.

4. Implement a Digital Signage Strategy

Even if your digital signage budget is tight, a well planned content strategy can help maximize the ROI from your digital signage installation. We recommend creating a plan that outlines your goals and key messages, as well as how you plan to convey them to your audience; this ensures the right mix of promotions, brand messaging, and customer information in your content.

5. Use Analytics to Monitor Your Digital Signage Performance

Use digital signage analytics to track the performance of your content and make adjustments as necessary. For example, you can track how long customers view certain content, the effectiveness of promotions, or customer behavior in general. Make a spreadsheet to keep all of this information in one place, and be sure to update it regularly with any relevant info that might be helpful; cross referencing the sales of specific items with your promotional content, for example, can help assess that sections performance.

6. Digital Signage is Cost-Effective

Digital signage is an investment that is proven to be a cost-effective long-term advertising solution. While the initial investment may be higher compared to printed material, digital signage helps reduce overhead and virtually eliminates printing costs. 

The ability to create content digitally, and schedule multiple promotions at once, means you not only eliminate printing costs, but printing turnaround time as well.  Additionally, modern technology is more energy-efficient and has a longer lifespan than ever before, greatly reducing maintenance costs over time. 

In Conclusion

In conclusion, while investing in digital signage may seem daunting and expensive for the modern small business, it does not have to be! With these 6 cost-saving techniques for digital signage, any business big or small can take advantage of the digital age of advertising and promotions.

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